December Stated Meeting
We had a great turnout for last night’s election and installation of Officers at Fritz Lodge No. 308.
Congratulations to our incoming Officers as of 27-December at High Twelve.
Worshipful Master – Brenden D. Shaw
Senior Warden – Glenn W. Quinn, PM
Junior Warden – Ryan M. Bailey
Treasure – Michael M. Grossman
Secretary – Sean M. Skelton, PM
Representative in Grand Lodge – Walter B. Curll, JR, PM
Substitute Representative in Grand Lodge – Bruce K. Pike, PM
Trustees –
Shelden J. Simpson, PM
George E. Gunning, III, PM
Bruce K. Pike, PM
Cameron B. Smith, PM
Warren E. Storck
A very special thank you to George E. Gunning, III, PM Fritz Lodge Director of Instruction and Proficiency. Bro George spent many hours working with the team to ensure the installation Ritual was done correctly.
Peter J. Fritz Park
As part of the Pocket Park partnership between the Borough of Conshohocken and Fritz Lodge No. 308, tree work was started today.
This massive tree was the oldest in Conshohocken, but sadly was diseased and needed to be removed for safety reasons.
A wedge of the tree was set aside so Masonic Gavels can be made from it, so the tree can live on for many more years at the Lodge.
December Stated Meeting
Election and Installation of 2023 Officers.
November Stated Meeting
Tuesday 15-Nov @ 7:30 pm. Stated Meeting – Past Masters and Veterans night.
District 6 Board of Governors Meeting @ Fritz Lodge No. 308
Stated Meeting – 18-Oct-2022
“Back to Lodge” BBQ
I want to thank the Destination Conshohocken team for the donation to Fritz Lodge No. 308 and the Conshohocken Art League.
It was an awesome night for all. Great to see many Brothers at Lodge.
Shelly Simpson, PM Hog’s and Honeys
My adopted son, Mayor Yaniv Aronson and the First Lady Sarah McGlinchey Aronson, Destination Conshohocken
Eileen McDonnell, Conshohocken Art League, and AKHS Class of 75’
Brother, Yasser AlKhatib, PM, District Deputy Grand Master
Mostly, thank you to the Brothers of Fritz Lodge No. 308 and the Community for your assistance and support of the Lodge.
August Fellowship Nights
Extra Meeting 26-July-2022
Fellowship Night 12-July-2022
Fellowship Night 05-July-2022
All American Soap Box Derby – 04-July-2022
Extra Meeting 28-June-2022
Stated Meeting 21-June-2022
Fellowship Night 14-June-2022
Fellowship Night 07-June-2020
Conshohocken Car Show 04-June-2022
May Fellowship Events
Scottish Rite Spring Reunion
April Stated Meeting
The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit.
March Extra Meeting
Visit by Martha Washington
Installation of DDGM
January Stated Meeting